@extends( 'layout.main' ) @push( 'scripts' ) @endpush @section( 'content' ) @if( $job->hasApplied() === false )
@if( $job->company->image )

{{ $job->title }}

{{ $job->address['address'] }}
  • {{ $job->company->name }}
  • @if ( $job->meta->start_date )
  • Start Date: {{ $job->start_time->format( 'l, F d, Y') }}
  • @endif @if ( $job->company->average_rating === 0 )
  • No Reviews
  • @else
  • @endif
Daily Rate
{{ $job->daily_rate }}
@if ( $job->getApplication() && $job->getApplication()->applicant_accepted )

You have accepted the offer from {{ $job->company->name }}. The job start date is on {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $job->start_timestamp )->format( 'l, F d, Y \a\t H:i') }}.

@elseif ( $job->getApplication() && $job->getApplication()->applicant_rejected )

You have rejected the offer from {{ $job->company->name }}.

@elseif ( $job->hasApplied() && $job->getApplication()->sent_employment_request )

{{ $job->company->name }} has offered you a contract. If you choose to accept, you will begin on {{ $job->start_time->format( 'l, F d, Y') }}.
